Marcia’s Accounting, Learning Online Communication Journey Begins…

“Life is a beach, enjoy the waves”

Not quite sure how many times I’ve said “alright this year I’m starting fresh”, but hopefully this will be my last. Sometimes life gets in the way and you sometimes have no control over what happens in your life, so you just go with waves and go where the wind takes you. Just like many others starting out in this unit. I’m not going to lie. I am actually freaking out a bit. I’ve never been a fan of accounting and math in general, so yes, I’ve currently got all these negative thoughts running through my head…. Hopefully my attitude towards this unit in particular changes as we progress through the term. 

About me:

My name is Marcia, just an island girl out here chasing dreams.

I’m an international student from Papua New Guinea, and though people never get that right, I’m always mistaken for Jamaican, African American, or Fijian. I have recently moved to Rockhampton from Brisbane for a fresh start.

The most common question I get asked when i meet people is “Are you going to live and work in Australia after studies or are you returning to your home country?” My answer to this question has changed throughout the 8 years that I’ve spent studying in Australia. As a young 13 year old straight from a tiny island, in boarding school (Townsville) I was amazed by EVERYTHING around me; the big buildings, city lights, the people, the clothes worn, the toys that little kids played with, the diverse community. We never had these at home and I had never seen such things before. Yes I’d seen them in movies but it wasn’t the same. EVERYTHING AMAZED ME. I wanted this to be my life.

Fast forward 10 years later, when people ask me that question now, I say that I’m definitely going back to my home country. For most of you who don’t know, Papua New Guinea is still a developing country, with many problems that tend to be ignored, as they are too big of a problem to dealt with.

My goal is to graduate with a Bachelor of Business Management Degree and head back to my home country. I want to be able to provide services to people especially in the most rural parts of the country where simple services such a health and education do not reach.